Tuesday, January 11, 2005


It's Tuesday, and it's about 12:30 in the afternoon. If you read my last post you will know what this means. That's right. I'm currently enjoying my 3 hour, 45 minute break from school. Why even go back for my last class? However, the enjoyment of these next two weeks has been compromised. Every morning until the 22nd of January, at 0700 hours, a cruel and unusual punishment will be put upon me. Singing and dancing. Now I've said before this is a good thing. But trust me, not this early. I had been watching 24 last night until the wee hours of the morning, as I could not wait to see what happened to Jack Bauer and the others working at CTU. After concluding four 1-hour episodes, I was shocked to remember early practice in what was literally a few hours. Waking from a very short sleep, I proceeded downstairs and tried to have a conversation with my mom. However, the sleep deprivation was so intense I could not understand a word she was saying. I later she found out that she asked me a simple question: did the tape of 24 work? I replied, "What are you talking about? That doesn't even make sense!" Somehow I managed to get myself ready for the day, and I listened to the hilarious radio duo Bob and Tom on the way to school. So after the early morning torture and my three classes, here I am blogging or whatever. And since I'm pretty much wasting my life typing this, I will conclude. -Matt

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I just read all of that... I too have no life.

Hahaha... band used to start at 7 am last year, then they decided to be nice and move it to 7:30. AND! It gets better... since I don't have that first period next semester, I start at 7:52. Hah.

Well... yeah...
